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4,查:查询遵循select 列名 where 条件/select * where 条件/select 列名 where phone like 133的模糊查询.






# ! /usr/bin/env python3.6# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# 2018/6/21 20:05'''文件存储格式如下:id,name,age,phone,job1,Alex,22,13651054608,IT2,Egon,23,13304320533,Tearcher3,nezha,25,1333235322,IT现在需要对这个员工信息文件进行增删改查。基础必做:a.可以进行查询,支持三种语法:select 列名1,列名2,… where 列名条件支持:大于小于等于,还要支持模糊查找。示例:select name, age where age>22select * where job=ITselect * where phone like 133进阶选做:b.可创建新员工记录,id要顺序增加c.可删除指定员工记录,直接输入员工id即可d.修改员工信息语法:set 列名=“新的值” where 条件#先用where查找对应人的信息,再使用set来修改列名对应的值为“新的值”注意:要想操作员工信息表,必须先登录,登陆认证需要用装饰器完成其他需求尽量用函数实现'''import osli = ["注册", "登陆", '查询', '修改', '添加', '删除', '退出']dic = {
"name": None}name_list = ['id', 'name', 'age', 'phone', 'job']condition = ['>', '<', '=', 'like']def register(): user_name = input('请输入用户名>>>') passwd = input('请输入密码>>>') with open('user_info', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f: for item in f: if item.strip().split(',')[0] == user_name.strip(): print('您输入的用户名已存在,请重新输入!') return else: f.write(user_name + ',' + passwd + '\n') print('注册成功!!!')def wrapper(func): def inner(*args, **kwargs): if dic['name'] is None: print("请先登录!!!") return ret = func(*args, **kwargs) return ret return innerdef first_menu(): '''选择菜单''' for num, item in enumerate(li): print(num + 1, item, end=' ')def loggin(): print("欢迎登陆") flag = True while flag: username = input("请输入您的用户名>>>").strip() passwd = input("请输入您的密码>>>").strip() with open('user_info', encoding='utf-8') as f: for item in f.readlines(): name, pwd = item.strip().split(",") if name == username and passwd == pwd: dic['name'] = username print('登陆成功!!!') flag = False break else: print('用户名密码输入错误')@wrapperdef add_info(): print("增加员工信息") flag1 = True while flag1: user_input = input("请输入员工信息(姓名,年龄,电话,工作)>>>").strip() user_input = user_input.replace(",", ',') with open("a.txt", 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f: for item in f.readlines(): if item.strip().split(',')[1] == user_input.split(',')[0]: print('您输入的用户信息已存在') return else: with open("count_id", encoding='utf-8') as f1, open('count_id1', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f2: count = f1.read() count = count.strip().split("=")[-1] f.write(count + ',' + user_input + '\n') f2.write("count=" + str(int(count) + 1)) os.remove('count_id') os.rename('count_id1', 'count_id')@wrapperdef reduce_info(): print("删除员工信息") flag = True user_choice_id = input("请选择你要删除的员工id>>>") if user_choice_id.isdigit(): with open('a.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f, open('a1.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ff: for item in f: if item.strip().split(",")[0] == user_choice_id: flag = False print('删除成功!!!') continue else: ff.write(item) else: while flag: print("没有您要删除的员工信息") break os.remove('a.txt') os.rename('a1.txt', 'a.txt') else: print('请输入正确的员工id')@wrapperdef select_info(): flag = False # with open('a.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f: # for item in f.readlines(): # print(item.strip()) # print("查找员工信息") user_choice = input('请输入查找暗号>>>').strip() # select name, age where age>22 / select * where age>22 if 'select' in user_choice and 'where' in user_choice: lst = user_choice.split("select")[1:] # [' name, age where age>22'] / lst1 = lst[0].split("where") # [' name, age ', ' age>22'] lst1[1].strip() = 'age>22' / [' *', ' age>22'] lst_info = lst1[0].split(",") # [' name', ' age '] / [' *'] for item in lst_info: if lst_info[0].strip() == "*": lst_info = name_list break elif item.strip() not in name_list: print("您输入含有不存在列名,请重新选择") return '''这里已经确定输入的内容合法,下面打开文件进行查询''' with open('a.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for name in f: # 循环文件 if name.strip().split(',')[0] == 'id': for name in lst_info: print(name.strip(), end=' ') print() continue for item in name_list: # item = 'name' name_list = ['id', 'name', 'age', 'phone', 'job'] for el in lst_info: # [' name', ' age '] 或者只有一个['*'] if item == el.strip(): for judje in condition: if judje in lst1[1].strip(): if condition.index(judje) == 0: # 确定是age大于操作 if int(name.strip().split(",")[ name_list.index(lst1[1].strip().split(judje)[0])]) > int( lst1[1].strip().split(judje)[-1]): print(name.strip().split(',')[name_list.index(el.strip())], end=' ') flag = True elif condition.index(judje) == 1: '''小于号操作''' if int(name.strip().split(",")[ name_list.index(lst1[1].strip().split(judje)[0])]) < int( lst1[1].strip().split(judje)[-1]): print(name.strip().split(',')[name_list.index(el.strip())], end=' ') flag = True elif condition.index(judje) == 2: '''等于号操作,这里两种情况,1,id和age的大小。2,job的匹配''' if lst1[1].strip().split('=')[0] == 'job': # 'job = it' if name.strip().split(',')[ name_list.index(lst1[1].strip().split(judje)[0])].lower() == \ lst1[1].strip().split(judje)[-1].lower(): print(name.strip().split(',')[name_list.index(el.strip())], end=' ') flag = True elif int(name.strip().split(",")[ name_list.index(lst1[1].strip().split(judje)[0])]) == int( lst1[1].strip().split(judje)[-1]): print(name.strip().split(',')[name_list.index(el.strip())], end=' ') flag = True elif 'like' in lst1[1].strip(): # lst1[1].strip() = 'phone like 133' '''模糊查询''' lst_phone = lst1[1].strip().split( 'like') # lst_phone = ['phone ', ' 133'] 注意:去空格 # print(lst_phone) if lst_phone[1].strip() in name.strip().split(',')[ name_list.index(lst_phone[0].strip())]: print(name.strip().split(',')[name_list.index(el.strip())], end=' ') flag = True while flag: print() flag = False else: print('暗号语法错误,请重新选择')# select name, age where age>22# select * where job=IT# select * where phone like 133@wrapperdef modify_info(): '''修改之前要先进行查找,根据语法条件,删选出列名,新的值,where后面是旧的值''' print("修改信息") flag = True # set 列名 =“新的值” where 条件 user_modify = input("请输入修改的暗号>>>").strip() # set name = 超人 where name = 陈润 if 'set' in user_modify and 'where' in user_modify: lst_user1 = user_modify.split('set')[1:][0].split('where') # lst_user1 = ['name = 超人 ', ' name = 陈润'] old_value = lst_user1[1].strip() # 'name = 陈润' new_value = lst_user1[0].strip() # 'name = 超人' with open('a.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f, open('a1.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ff: # ff.write('id,name,age,phone,job\n') for item in f: if item.strip().split(',')[name_list.index(old_value.split('=')[0].strip())] == old_value.split('=')[ 1].strip(): lst = item.strip().split(',') # [4,陈润,23,17610780919,it] lst[name_list.index(old_value.split('=')[0].strip())] = new_value.split('=')[1].strip() s = ','.join(lst) ff.write(s + '\n') print("修改成功!!!") flag = False else: ff.write(item) else: while flag: print('请输入正确的信息') break os.remove('a.txt') os.rename('a1.txt', 'a.txt') else: print('您输入的暗号有误')def main(): while True: first_menu() user_input = input("请输入您的选择>>>").strip() if user_input == "1": register() elif user_input == "2": loggin() elif user_input == '3': select_info() elif user_input == '4': modify_info() elif user_input == '5': add_info() elif user_input == '6': reduce_info() elif user_input == '7': break else: print('请输入正确的序号')if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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def modify_info():    '''修改之前要先进行查找,根据语法条件,删选出列名,新的值,where后面是旧的值'''    print("修改信息")    flag = True    # set 列名 =“新的值” where  条件    user_modify = input(        "请输入修改的暗号>>>").strip()  # set name = 超人 where name = 陈润  / set job = it where name = 陈润,job = teacher    if 'set' in user_modify and 'where' in user_modify:        lst_user1 = user_modify.split('set')[1:][0].split(            'where')  # lst_user1 = ['name = 超人 ', ' name = 陈润']  /  [job = it, name = 陈润,job = teacher]        old_value = lst_user1[            1].strip()  # 1,'name = 陈润'  /  2,name = 陈润,job = teacher  (split(',')--[name = 陈润(split('=')--[name,陈润]), job = teacher(split('=')--[job,it])])        new_value = lst_user1[0].strip()  # 'name = 超人'  /  job = it        old_value_l = old_value.split(',')  # [name = 陈润, age = 22, job = it]        with open('a.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f, open('a1.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ff:            for item in f:                for num in range(0, len(old_value_l)):                    if old_value_l[num].strip().split('=')[1].strip() == item.strip().split(',')[                        name_list.index(old_value_l[num].strip().split('=')[0].strip())]:                        pass                    else:                        ff.write(item)                        break                else:                    print("进行修改")                    old_lst = item.strip().split(',')                    old_lst[name_list.index(new_value.split('=')[0].strip())] = new_value.split('=')[1].strip()                    s = ','.join(old_lst)                    ff.write(s + '\n')                    print("修改成功!!!")                    flag = False            else:                while flag:                    print('请输入正确的信息')                    break        os.remove('a.txt')        os.rename('a1.txt', 'a.txt')    else:        print('您输入的暗号有误')
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